I was watching the Italian Grand Prix Monday afternoon, when, just before the commercial break, I spotted someone, a woman, which looked so familiar. Sure I know who she is!
Apparently she was watching the competition, staring at a screen, in a VIP room or somewhere, with a red cap showing that she supported Ferrari.
And I sat there, in front of the TV, not believing what I had just seen. I asked myself who she was. She looked so familiar!
Then, after a few seconds or so, it hit me that she is Laura Pausini! The first time EVER I have seen her on TV, in Hong Kong! I bet the broadcasters from Hong Kong had no idea who she was.
Actually, I don’t watch F1. I turned on the TV because I wanted to see if there was the Inter match that I missed. And, with no reason, I stopped at STARSPORTS and, not knowing why, began to watch the Grand Prix. I think I just got luck XD
Check this.
Apparently she was watching the competition, staring at a screen, in a VIP room or somewhere, with a red cap showing that she supported Ferrari.
And I sat there, in front of the TV, not believing what I had just seen. I asked myself who she was. She looked so familiar!
Then, after a few seconds or so, it hit me that she is Laura Pausini! The first time EVER I have seen her on TV, in Hong Kong! I bet the broadcasters from Hong Kong had no idea who she was.
Actually, I don’t watch F1. I turned on the TV because I wanted to see if there was the Inter match that I missed. And, with no reason, I stopped at STARSPORTS and, not knowing why, began to watch the Grand Prix. I think I just got luck XD
Check this.
星期一下午,吃過午餐後,呆在家裡看電視。本來轉來轉去,想看看有沒有什麼想看的足球比賽在重播……昏頭昏腦地,不知道為什麼,就轉到 STARSPORTS,然後就開始看那個 F1 大獎賽義大利站,看他們咻咻咻~
想了好一陣子,咦,該不會就是 Laura Pausini 吧……這真的是很讓人難以置信。再想了幾秒,她的眼睛,她的臉龐……沒錯!這就是 Laura!而且,再想想,Laura 有出席過 Ferrari 的聖誕節活動啊!Laura 的出現變得相當合理了!
當下,我真的是喜出望外!難以置信啊!第一次在電視上看到 Laura 出現!我想那兩個轉播的香港人一定不曉得那是誰吧,哇哈哈!我真的是超幸運的,平常根本不看 F1;無原無故坐在電視機前面看 F1,結果那幾秒鐘的片段就這樣給我看到了!哈哈!超興奮,超爽的 XD
想了好一陣子,咦,該不會就是 Laura Pausini 吧……這真的是很讓人難以置信。再想了幾秒,她的眼睛,她的臉龐……沒錯!這就是 Laura!而且,再想想,Laura 有出席過 Ferrari 的聖誕節活動啊!Laura 的出現變得相當合理了!
當下,我真的是喜出望外!難以置信啊!第一次在電視上看到 Laura 出現!我想那兩個轉播的香港人一定不曉得那是誰吧,哇哈哈!我真的是超幸運的,平常根本不看 F1;無原無故坐在電視機前面看 F1,結果那幾秒鐘的片段就這樣給我看到了!哈哈!超興奮,超爽的 XD
I was watching the Italian Grand Prix Monday afternoon, when, just before the commercial break, I spotted someone, a woman, which looked so familiar. Sure I know who she is!
Apparently she was watching the competition, staring at a screen, in a VIP room or somewhere, with a red cap showing that she supported Ferrari.
And I sat there, in front of the TV, not believing what I had just seen. I asked myself who she was. She looked so familiar!
Then, after a few seconds or so, it hit me that she is Laura Pausini! The first time EVER I have seen her on TV, in Hong Kong! I bet the broadcasters from Hong Kong had no idea who she was.
Actually, I don’t watch F1. I turned on the TV because I wanted to see if there was the Inter match that I missed. And, with no reason, I stopped at STARSPORTS and, not knowing why, began to watch the Grand Prix. I think I just got luck XD
Check this.
Apparently she was watching the competition, staring at a screen, in a VIP room or somewhere, with a red cap showing that she supported Ferrari.
And I sat there, in front of the TV, not believing what I had just seen. I asked myself who she was. She looked so familiar!
Then, after a few seconds or so, it hit me that she is Laura Pausini! The first time EVER I have seen her on TV, in Hong Kong! I bet the broadcasters from Hong Kong had no idea who she was.
Actually, I don’t watch F1. I turned on the TV because I wanted to see if there was the Inter match that I missed. And, with no reason, I stopped at STARSPORTS and, not knowing why, began to watch the Grand Prix. I think I just got luck XD
Check this.