Monday, October 13, 2008

Mandarin: ao, a

I never realised the difference between a, like , and the a sound in ao, like , in Mandarin. I mean, I always know this. I always know how to pronounce a and ao correctly. I just never broke the diphthong and compared the a- with a, until a few months ago.

Briefly, the pronunciations of the two sounds are as follows:
  • a (ㄚ): [a]
    The a (ㄚ) in Mandarin is different from the a like ah in English. To make this [a], you have to break the diphthong [aɪ], like I and eye, into separate parts, and elongate the first part, [a], as long as you can, and drop the remaining part.
  • ao (ㄠ): [ɑʊ] (the [ɑ] is longer than [ʊ] here)
    This ao sound is different from that ow sound in English, like out and cow. Ow in English is pronounced this way: [aʊ] (Actually, I don’t know if I am 100% correct, the [a] in [aʊ] is a bit palatalized nowadays.) But the pronunciation of ao in Mandarin is [ɑʊ]. I am sure you know how to make these two sounds: [ɑ] (ah) and [ʊ] (the ou in would). So, I think I can leave it to you here. Just make sure the [ɑ] is much longer than the [ʊ].

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ctrl+C or Switch Off the Machine

There are cases that process will not terminate even if you use Ctrl+C. One of the method is to switch the machine o ff. - quoted from a UNIX talk hand out.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Beautiful | 純粹地,很美麗的一刻

Language: English | 中文
Yesterday morning, when I came back from the supposed-to-be softball match, which was cancelled due to the heavy rain, just in front of a supermarket, I saw a pair of people walking together, hand in hand, father and son apparently.

I saw they have smile on their faces. The son looked to the father while walking, and the father gave him a confirming look, smiling. I could see joy in their eyes. They way they walked. The way they held their hands. It was amazing. That was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen that done by people.

It seemed to me that they were going to the cinema. So, I decided to follow them instead of heading home. I wanted to see this. And, yes, they entered the cinema, straight to counter, and I saw the father buy a couple of tickets.

I don’t know them. I’m not from India. But, I didn’t know why. I was really happy seeing this. I felt happy for them. I loved the atmosphere. It’s simply happiness. One of the best scene I had ever seen ... so beautiful.