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Finally, I can spend some time finishing this post. Yeah, the latest album of Laura Pausini!
As you can see in
a previous post, the release date of « Primavera in Anticipo », in Hong Kong, is November 13. So, the afternoon, before I headed to the Alliance Française, I went to a neighbouring HMV, but found that they didn’t have it on the shelf yet. So, I decided to stop by the HMV in Causeway Bay on the way.
After getting off the métro, I rushed all the way to the store, and headed to the Word Music / Classical / Jazz Section directly once I got there. And there, a shelf full of both the Italian and Spanish versions of the album, just magnificent! After weeks of waiting, finally! I grabbed one, without hesitation, and paid, and rushed all the way back to the métro and to the Alliance Française.
For the rest of the day, I really hoped that I could have a walkman so that I didn’t have to wait till I got home to sit back and listen to the music.
Here are some photos I took:
with plastic wrapper
wrapper removed (another wrapper!)
somewhere in HK, the day the album was released
somewhere in HK, few days after
It was really exciting when I found that they had put some of her albums on the shelf, as shown in the last picture above. It was like a little exhibition of her works, ha ha, though it only lasted for few days.
And the album itself! It is terrific! Especially the duet « Primavera in Anticipo » featuring James Blunt! Before I actually heard the song, I mean, Italian and English? Laura’s voice with James’? I never thought this would work. But, what turns out is just amazing! Just make sure you don’t miss it. I hope they release the next single sooner, and I really want to visit the island they shot the video, and the Bar!
嗯,終於有時間來 PO 了 XD
其實是這樣的,十一月十三號那天,是香港的 HMV,Laura Pausini 的最新專輯 « Primavera in Anticipo » 的發售日期。而在我出發去上法文以前,有在我家附近的 HMV 晃一晃;不過很遺憾的是,並沒有看到這張專輯出現在架上。
因此,在前往法協的途中,我在銅鑼灣那邊停了一下下,下車後,衝到那邊的 HMV。進到古典、爵士、世界音樂那區後,往右邊一看,看到架子上,擺滿了一排又一排的新專輯:« Primavera in Anticipo »!哈,實在是太興奮了,沒想到香港的 HMV 會那麼賞臉,給一位義大利流行歌手在架子上佔了那麼多空間~遠遠看過去,十幾二十張,好壯觀啊!看來,這應該是跟去年和 Bocelli 合唱 Vivere,再加上這次有跟 James Blunt 合唱 Primavera in Anticipo 的關係,才真正地引起到英國人的注意吧。
HMV 的封套
真的是很興奮啊,上完課後,立刻就衝回家了;打開專輯以前,特地照個照片存證留念 XD
新專輯真的很好聽喔,特別是 Primavera in Anticipo,真的是好聽到爆掉,每次聽到這首,都會一直轉回去,一遍又一遍地重復 XDDD
真希望下一首單曲能夠快點發行,這樣就能看到 MV 了……
Finally, I can spend some time finishing this post. Yeah, the latest album of Laura Pausini!
As you can see in
a previous post, the release date of « Primavera in Anticipo », in Hong Kong, is November 13. So, the afternoon, before I headed to the Alliance Française, I went to a neighbouring HMV, but found that they didn’t have it on the shelf yet. So, I decided to stop by the HMV in Causeway Bay on the way.
After getting off the métro, I rushed all the way to the store, and headed to the Word Music / Classical / Jazz Section directly once I got there. And there, a shelf full of both the Italian and Spanish versions of the album, just magnificent! After weeks of waiting, finally! I grabbed one, without hesitation, and paid, and rushed all the way back to the métro and to the Alliance Française.
For the rest of the day, I really hoped that I could have a walkman so that I didn’t have to wait till I got home to sit back and listen to the music.
Here are some photos I took:
with plastic wrapper
wrapper removed (another wrapper!)
somewhere in HK, the day the album was released
somewhere in HK, few days after
It was really exciting when I found that they had put some of her albums on the shelf, as shown in the last picture above. It was like a little exhibition of her works, ha ha, though it only lasted for few days.
And the album itself! It is terrific! Especially the duet « Primavera in Anticipo » featuring James Blunt! Before I actually heard the song, I mean, Italian and English? Laura’s voice with James’? I never thought this would work. But, what turns out is just amazing! Just make sure you don’t miss it. I hope they release the next single sooner, and I really want to visit the island they shot the video, and the Bar!