Last Friday, during the training session of the softball team, I met two new friends. One of them is Japanese, an exchange student, Masa, and the other one, Harvey, is Taiwanese. Both of them came from the States, though Harvey now studies here, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
I enjoyed practicing English with a foreigner very much, but speaking Mandarin (with Taiwanese accent) with someone of Taiwanese origin is even more delightful.
I enjoyed practicing English with a foreigner very much, but speaking Mandarin (with Taiwanese accent) with someone of Taiwanese origin is even more delightful.
星期五練球的時候,認識到兩位新同學。一位是日本人,Masa,另一位是台灣人,叫 Harvey;都是從美國那邊過來的。那位日本人是交換生,只交換一個學期,而 Harvey 則是在中文大學念書的。
隊裡的學長 Ting (香港人) 在跟 Harvey 說,我們很「九唔搭八」(廣東話),Harvey 聽不是很明白,Ting 就叫我跟 Harvey 解釋什麼是「九唔搭八」... 後來 Ting 不知道跟 Harvey 說了些啥,Harvey 就說了聲「靠杯」。本來以為他是大陸人,問了問,才知道 Harvey 是台灣人,不過是從美國那邊來的,英文頂瓜瓜!
隊裡的學長 Ting (香港人) 在跟 Harvey 說,我們很「九唔搭八」(廣東話),Harvey 聽不是很明白,Ting 就叫我跟 Harvey 解釋什麼是「九唔搭八」... 後來 Ting 不知道跟 Harvey 說了些啥,Harvey 就說了聲「靠杯」。本來以為他是大陸人,問了問,才知道 Harvey 是台灣人,不過是從美國那邊來的,英文頂瓜瓜!
Last Friday, during the training session of the softball team, I met two new friends. One of them is Japanese, an exchange student, and the other one, Harvey, is Taiwanese. Both of them came from the States, though Harvey now studies here, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
I enjoyed practicing English with a foreigner very much, but speaking Mandarin (with Taiwanese accent) with someone of Taiwanese origin is even more delightful.
I enjoyed practicing English with a foreigner very much, but speaking Mandarin (with Taiwanese accent) with someone of Taiwanese origin is even more delightful.
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