Sunday, August 10, 2008

Started Learning Korean | 我學韓文的第一步

Language: English | 中文
When I was in junior high, I always wanted to learn Korean. And finally, last week, I bought a book and started learning Korean.

This is the book:
莎郎嘿喲!韓語 I Love Korean!
Image of 莎郎嘿喲!韓語 Love Korean!
I like this book. Basically, every Korean sentence is accompanied by a Romanized transcript and the same sentence with Chinese characters. And most importantly, a CD is provided.

Thanks to that CD, I found more than ten mistakes in the pronunciation guide section. Here, I am going to list some of them:

  1. can be [ɔ] and [ʌ], rather than just [ɔ].
  2. Similarly, can be [jɔ] and [jʌ], rather than just [jɔ].
  3. sounds more like [ɨ]. Definitely not [ʌ]!
  4. I know that nowadays most people pronounce as [we], however, the speaker recorded pronounces it as [ø].
  5. sounds [ɨi] to me. Definitely not [ui]!
  1. When is followed by [j] or [i], it becomes [ɕ] (like x/ in Mandarin), rather than [ʃ].
  2. can be [tɕ] and [dʑ], rather than [tʃ] and [dʒ]!
  3. should be [tɕh]. Not [tʃh]!
  4. , , , , and represent consonants produced with more tense, rather than making them voiced.
But, anyway, it is a good book, for beginners like me. Perhaps I will take a Korean Beginner course at university, since I found Korean language quite fun and enjoyable.

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