Thursday, December 25, 2008

Twilight (2008)

Language: English | 中文
Flixster - Share Movies
Few things about the movie:
  1. Bella: How old are you?
    Edward: Seventeen.
    Bella: How long have you been seventeen?
    Edward: A while.
  2. « Clair de Lune » is great!
  3. Check the ratings.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Primavera in Anticipo !

Language: English | 中文
Finally, I can spend some time finishing this post. Yeah, the latest album of Laura Pausini!
As you can see in a previous post, the release date of « Primavera in Anticipo », in Hong Kong, is November 13. So, the afternoon, before I headed to the Alliance Française, I went to a neighbouring HMV, but found that they didn’t have it on the shelf yet. So, I decided to stop by the HMV in Causeway Bay on the way.
After getting off the métro, I rushed all the way to the store, and headed to the Word Music / Classical / Jazz Section directly once I got there. And there, a shelf full of both the Italian and Spanish versions of the album, just magnificent! After weeks of waiting, finally! I grabbed one, without hesitation, and paid, and rushed all the way back to the métro and to the Alliance Française.
For the rest of the day, I really hoped that I could have a walkman so that I didn’t have to wait till I got home to sit back and listen to the music.
Here are some photos I took:
Primavera in Anticipo
with plastic wrapper
Primavera in Anticipo
wrapper removed (another wrapper!)
Primavera in Anticipo (HMV)
somewhere in HK, the day the album was released
Primavera in Anticipo (HMV)
somewhere in HK, few days after
It was really exciting when I found that they had put some of her albums on the shelf, as shown in the last picture above. It was like a little exhibition of her works, ha ha, though it only lasted for few days.
And the album itself! It is terrific! Especially the duet « Primavera in Anticipo » featuring James Blunt! Before I actually heard the song, I mean, Italian and English? Laura’s voice with James’? I never thought this would work. But, what turns out is just amazing! Just make sure you don’t miss it. I hope they release the next single sooner, and I really want to visit the island they shot the video, and the Bar!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008


Image of 薄伽梵歌

關於【薄伽梵歌】:薄伽梵歌 - 維基百科

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mandarin: ao, a

I never realised the difference between a, like , and the a sound in ao, like , in Mandarin. I mean, I always know this. I always know how to pronounce a and ao correctly. I just never broke the diphthong and compared the a- with a, until a few months ago.

Briefly, the pronunciations of the two sounds are as follows:
  • a (ㄚ): [a]
    The a (ㄚ) in Mandarin is different from the a like ah in English. To make this [a], you have to break the diphthong [aɪ], like I and eye, into separate parts, and elongate the first part, [a], as long as you can, and drop the remaining part.
  • ao (ㄠ): [ɑʊ] (the [ɑ] is longer than [ʊ] here)
    This ao sound is different from that ow sound in English, like out and cow. Ow in English is pronounced this way: [aʊ] (Actually, I don’t know if I am 100% correct, the [a] in [aʊ] is a bit palatalized nowadays.) But the pronunciation of ao in Mandarin is [ɑʊ]. I am sure you know how to make these two sounds: [ɑ] (ah) and [ʊ] (the ou in would). So, I think I can leave it to you here. Just make sure the [ɑ] is much longer than the [ʊ].

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ctrl+C or Switch Off the Machine

There are cases that process will not terminate even if you use Ctrl+C. One of the method is to switch the machine o ff. - quoted from a UNIX talk hand out.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Beautiful | 純粹地,很美麗的一刻

Language: English | 中文
Yesterday morning, when I came back from the supposed-to-be softball match, which was cancelled due to the heavy rain, just in front of a supermarket, I saw a pair of people walking together, hand in hand, father and son apparently.

I saw they have smile on their faces. The son looked to the father while walking, and the father gave him a confirming look, smiling. I could see joy in their eyes. They way they walked. The way they held their hands. It was amazing. That was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen that done by people.

It seemed to me that they were going to the cinema. So, I decided to follow them instead of heading home. I wanted to see this. And, yes, they entered the cinema, straight to counter, and I saw the father buy a couple of tickets.

I don’t know them. I’m not from India. But, I didn’t know why. I was really happy seeing this. I felt happy for them. I loved the atmosphere. It’s simply happiness. One of the best scene I had ever seen ... so beautiful.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Laura in Monza!

Language: English | 中文
I was watching the Italian Grand Prix Monday afternoon, when, just before the commercial break, I spotted someone, a woman, which looked so familiar. Sure I know who she is!

Apparently she was watching the competition, staring at a screen, in a VIP room or somewhere, with a red cap showing that she supported Ferrari.

And I sat there, in front of the TV, not believing what I had just seen. I asked myself who she was. She looked so familiar!

Then, after a few seconds or so, it hit me that she is Laura Pausini! The first time EVER I have seen her on TV, in Hong Kong! I bet the broadcasters from Hong Kong had no idea who she was.

Actually, I don’t watch F1. I turned on the TV because I wanted to see if there was the Inter match that I missed. And, with no reason, I stopped at STARSPORTS and, not knowing why, began to watch the Grand Prix. I think I just got luck XD

Check this.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008



Tuesday, August 19, 2008



今天當義工,晚餐後,去用餐區那邊坐一坐。電視一開始是播 trampoline 的。真好,決賽,跳一跳就比完了。然後有位大叔來轉台。轉一轉,轉到女子曲棍球。我想,大家會決定看這一台吧,雖然我知道大家都看不懂規則,但這長得像足球;把球打進網子裡去,這香港人都看得懂吧,呵。

我看著計時。好,半場打完了。周圍看一下,人不多,頂多後面幾個香港大叔最多話,常常撚來撚去 (撚:lan,語助,髒話),談話超有深度、超有水準的。

半場了嘛,好,我就很跩地跑到前面去,熟練地直接轉去 DX7 台,來看棒球吧!咦,中國對美國,這還用看嗎?不過,念在是沒什麼香港人看得懂的棒球,有中國隊的話,香港人多少還是會看一下吧。


後來,那幾個大叔還說:「夭,去轉台啦,都唔撚知道佢地做咩。冇人識欣賞。」(暗,快去轉台啊,他媽的都不知道他們在幹啥。這邊又沒有人會欣賞。) 哇咧,我不是人就對了?暗剛剛就是我轉台的啊!你不是要轉嗎?呵呵,不敢厚,沒種就不要轉,我就是要看棒球。爽 XD

當美國的打者上壘、安打、得分;中國隊暴投、三壘跑者回本壘時,我正全神灌注地欣賞每一分每一秒。而在場的香港人,無奈,大概都在滿頭問號吧。而就當七下最後一位打者,打出中外野方向飛球的同時,中外野手掌握到方向了,我看時間也差不多,就起身,轉頭離去,拋下這群滿腦疑惑的香港人。好啦,我看夠囉,你們可以轉台啦~我要走囉 ^ ^


Sunday, August 17, 2008





題外話,今天當義工時,晚餐時間,在員工餐廳那邊有一台電視,播放奧運的比賽。一開始的是女子曲棍球,後來餐廳的員工過來轉台,轉到沙灘排球。轉的過程中,我有瞄到半秒的棒球比賽。興奮難耐,當場脫口而出了一小聲「淦」。看到一半,有個香港人轉台,轉到女子三米跳水準決賽。嗯,好吧,香港人會看跳水,就算了吧,雖然是重播……我超想跑到前面去,轉台過去看日韓戰。依我的個性,我是「暗我才不鳥你,我要看棒球啊!爽!」的;但轉頭看看,很多香港人都盯著螢幕看跳水 (重播),嗯,我還是尊重民意吧,不然不知道按下去後會不會有人在那邊「夭~」(暗!),雖然這會提升我的成就感跟爽度。

Saturday, August 16, 2008


今天看完《The Dark Knight》後,回到家,一上 PTT,就看到棒球版、幹版雙雙隱版,就知道發生什麼事了……

我沒有空看比賽,只有看一局半,不是很清楚內容怎樣。但早在奧運開始前,看到那個「突破僵局制」,我就覺得很反感了,感覺是給業餘的打的一樣,整個等級降了一大截。前一陣子,看到賽程,更是啞口無言。基本上最吃香的是日本隊了,除了十七號休兵隔天十八號有早上 10:30 的比賽,其他場次全都是晚上出賽。

中華隊呢,20:00 開打的台日戰,戰完超級強隊,晚上十一點多了吧,睡個頂多六個小時,隔天早上 10:30 就要出戰休息時間多出至少十個小時的中國隊……我想這個賽程真的經過仔細打量,相當相當照顧我們的「台灣同胞」。中國人最偉大的了,呵呵。聽說好球帶會變型呢!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Started Learning Korean | 我學韓文的第一步

Language: English | 中文
When I was in junior high, I always wanted to learn Korean. And finally, last week, I bought a book and started learning Korean.

This is the book:
莎郎嘿喲!韓語 I Love Korean!
Image of 莎郎嘿喲!韓語 Love Korean!
I like this book. Basically, every Korean sentence is accompanied by a Romanized transcript and the same sentence with Chinese characters. And most importantly, a CD is provided.

Thanks to that CD, I found more than ten mistakes in the pronunciation guide section. Here, I am going to list some of them:

  1. can be [ɔ] and [ʌ], rather than just [ɔ].
  2. Similarly, can be [jɔ] and [jʌ], rather than just [jɔ].
  3. sounds more like [ɨ]. Definitely not [ʌ]!
  4. I know that nowadays most people pronounce as [we], however, the speaker recorded pronounces it as [ø].
  5. sounds [ɨi] to me. Definitely not [ui]!
  1. When is followed by [j] or [i], it becomes [ɕ] (like x/ in Mandarin), rather than [ʃ].
  2. can be [tɕ] and [dʑ], rather than [tʃ] and [dʒ]!
  3. should be [tɕh]. Not [tʃh]!
  4. , , , , and represent consonants produced with more tense, rather than making them voiced.
But, anyway, it is a good book, for beginners like me. Perhaps I will take a Korean Beginner course at university, since I found Korean language quite fun and enjoyable.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Laura Pausini: Dove L’Aria E’ Polvere

Language: English | 中文
Artist: Laura Pausini
Album: Resta In Ascolto (2004)

«Dove L’Aria E’ Polvere» is a song about an Iraqi boy, Ali Ismail Abbas, whose arms and entire family were taken away by American missiles.

The song begins with l'aquila, which means the eagle:
Cronaca del giorno in cui
L'aquila volò
Su confini dove l'aria è polvere
I spent some time figuring what l'aquila refers to. At first, I thought l'aquila could be the missile that hit the boy's house. I am quite sure about this because Laura described the missile as a big metal bird (grosso uccello di metallo). However, don't you think that a eagle reminds you of something, or, a country? You know what I mean, right?

Besides the eagle, here, it tells us where the event happened: dove l'aria è polvere, literally, where the air is dust.

After this, the song tells us what happened to the boy: the eagle took away the boy's arms. Then, the chorus begins:
Ed un soldato raccontò
Di come il cielo si oscurò
A soldier speaked of how the sky darkened. Does it really mean that the sky grew dark? Or, is it trying to tell us that our reason, our mind, and our relationship were darkened by this violent, unreasoning act?
E in terra pianse lacrime
Urlando ruggine
The soldier then cried on the ground, shouting. Have you ever thought that a soldier may cry as well?

Then, Laura asks us a simple but meaningful question:
Ma che cos'è la libertà?
E che significato ha?
What is freedom? Is this the freedom that promised to bring to us? And freedom, what does it mean?

In the second verse, it says that the eagle sacrifices its heroes and displays its "stars" and trophies. But sadly:
Il bambino è orfano di casa e di poesia
Per l'indifferenza che
La guerra ha dentro sé
The boy is now an orphan, without home and without "poetry." (You may check my previous post for the meaning of the word poesia.) He became an orphan because of the indifference that war has in itself. How sad, and how cruel! War turns people cold-blooded!

Then, in the chorus, a similar question is asked:
Ma che cos'è la verità?
E che significato ha?
This time, the question is: What is the truth? And what does it mean? Honestly, this is a serious question. What is the truth? Is it what they tell us on TV? Or is it what we read in the newspaper? Does it give us both sides of the story? Can we trust it? How should one judge?

Then, in the 3rd chorus, after the questioning:
E' il sole che non sorge mai
E' il buio addosso a noi
The sun never rises. The dark is upon us. Is this freedom?

Then, at the end, Laura ends the song with a strong question:
[D]immi che cos'è la libertà... cos'è?
Tell me what freedom is... what is it? Great ending.

At first, I found this song a little bit sharp. The pain, the anger, and thouse powerful questions, they make it a bit hard to swallow, at the beginning. But, after you start questioning yourself, hate how ugly we have become, and shout the anger secretly in your heart, you will find that the song is actually fabulous. And you will start to love it immediately.

Here are some related clips on Youtube:

LAURA PAUSINI Donde el Aire es Ceniza TG
A brief reportage of the event with a short interview of Laura

Dove l'aria è polvere
A fan-made video with Portuguese subtitles. Few of the pics can be unpleasant and even terrifying.

For more about Ali Ismail Abbas: About Laura: About the album:

Monday, June 16, 2008

So Nice are Hong Kong People | 超有禮貌的香港人

Language: English | 中文
I was running to the train this morning, and I hit a guy. Well, I didn't mean to bump into him, and I said sorry and "Are you alright?" and "Are you fine?" many many times.

Mom says that Hong Kong people are really rude. Sorry but I have to disagree. This guy that I hit this morning, just gave a perfect example of how polite and civilized a Hongkonger is.

Okay. After I hit him, his cell phone fell on the floor. I knew this was a pretty hard hit, probably the greatest one I had ever done on somebody. So, I said, "I'm sorry. Are you alright? I'm really sorry."

To reply, he asked how's my mother doing, literally: "I f_k your mother!" (我屌你老母!)

I felt sorry, but I had my dignity. Actually, I was surprised! I never realized that in fact Hong Kong people are that nice! So gentle, so civilized!

So, he went on, "F_k your mother. My phone, is it f_king broken?" (屌你老母,我個電話係唔係跌撚爆佐啊!)

Again, surprisingly, he asked about my mom. See, this was a strager I just hit, but, instead of barking, he constantly sent my mom some greetings. I was totally surprised, and not able to make any reply.

"I f_k your mother. F_k your mother." (我屌你老母啊。屌你老母啊!) Sitll the same, not finished yet, and with his eyes staring right into my eyes. One thing he should learn about is when to stop asking about someone or something too much and too frequently. Going too far is certainly not good.

He turned, finally, but after about half a meter, he turned back again, facing me, staring, and said, "F_k your mother." (屌你老母啊)

Now, his reaction didn't make me feel guilty at all. So kind. His words just made me feel I had done nothing wrong, and I knew that, actually, I DID NOTHING WRONG.

I hit him, yes, but not intentionally. I said sorry, I apologized, I asked whether I could help him, and I expressed it with my eyes, my reaction. I just stayed there. If he needed help, I would be glad.

But after his reaction, his words, his staring, I found that I stayed there not because I was guilty and waiting for my conviction. I remained still because I was sincere. I was defending the holyness of human being. And since I am human being, no other than what he is, I deserved no such treating. So, I stood there like a statue that represented the mercifulness, the holyness, and the reason of mankind. I stood, and thus I should not move. An I moved, I failed to protect the dignity of being human.

This moment, I was holy, so I felt. It was like every single human was backing me. I felt I was invincible, but at the same time, not conquering.

So, he stared, angrily. And with a few more greetings, finally, he turned. Justice gave me strength, and strength guided me to victory. This day, I am proud, proud of being a human, and proud of having defended humanity.

How gracious!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Quanto? Quando? T or d?

Language: English | 中文
Few days ago, during the Italian class, a student (Italian: studentessa) from Mainland asked our teacher, Cecilia, "Excuse me, what's the meaning of Quan[t]o?"

I knew she wanted to ask quando. But the problem is, she couldn't produce the d sound. You know, in Mandarin, there is no d sound. Or, in other words, they don't know what d is. So, what they do is just substitute the d sound with the unaspirated t sound, or, more precisely, they think the unaspirated t sound is d.

Anyway, Ceci replied, "Quanto? Hom much. Or how many."

Then, the girl asked again. This time, she tried it harder, "No, quan[t]o! Quan[t]o!" (Ironic, though, that the harder she tried, the clearer that the sound was a t! Yes, yes, it was unaspirated, but, sadly, it was a t, no matter how hard you tried!)


"No. Q-U-A-N-[T]i-O."

"Oh, QUANDO! That means when!"

Well, I never had supposed this would happen. It's quite fun, though. It just shows that Italian has good ear to distinguish voiced and voiceless consonants, and that many Chinese don't know the difference. (Actually, I never really awared of the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants, until I was 19 or 20. Even so, I still think I am very lucky.)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Open or Close? | 開口或閉口?

Language: English | 中文
Recently, I tried to find out the meaning of the song, Un'Emergenza D'Amore, an Italian song of Laura Pausini.

I found out that, everytime I heard the line: Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai, I heard a lovely sound from the word dentro. I spent little time to figure which part, and finally, it was the e of the syllable den-.

Then, it became quite confused. Was it an open e? Or, was it a close e sound? I decided that, though not 100% sure, it was a close e becuase it didn't match it when I tried to make it an open e.

You know, Italians are genius. They are native Italian Phonology Masters. Italian word doesn't have any accent on the stressed syllable, except that if it is the last syllable, to tell whether the vowel is open or close. Even so, just pay attention next time, you will find that they pronouce each word correctly. Open or close vowel, single or geminated consonants, 100% correct, no mistakes.

Of course Laura is one of the native masters. But anyway, I searched the word dentro from the online dictionary De Mauro (link), to make sure if I was correct, and, yes, I got déntro.

Amazing. I was impressed by their genius, again, and also, by the lovely sound of the word dentro. Just heavenly. Divina!

Saturday, May 24, 2008



「咦,哩位同學,你好似中佐『頭』獎 wo~」
(咦,這位同學,你好像中了『頭』獎了喔~ ^ ^)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

“Je suis allé en Taiwan.”

Language: English | 中文
During the french class this afternoon, our professor, François, asked us what we had done the last big big vacation.

"Je suis allé en Taiwan," I began. Then, as what I expected, he said helpfully, "À Taiwan."

I didn't repeat it. I kept moving on. In my opinion, à Taiwan is not correct.
  • Using en implies Taiwan is a country, and à implies that it is a city, district, etc.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Righty? Lefty? | 左撇?右撇?

Language: English | 中文
Monday, during the football class, when I was practicing kicking long ball, something happened. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make the ball fly. Maybe just ten to fifteen meters, then the ball started falling, hitting the ground, then it began bouncing and rolling.

I couldn't believe it. It was my right foot! How come? And what was more, my right foot didn't feel right. It started aching, its ankle. Oh, my my...

So, I tried it with my left foot. At first, I just kept kicking it wide. But after few tries, well, suprisingly, I started to do it well. As if it was just a piece of cake! I just learnt how to kick the ball to the sky, all of a sudden, and by myself.

That was really odd. I am supposed to be a righty, although I use left foot to jump and left hand to bat and to use fork (and I occasionally use chopsticks with my left hand).

So, this afternoon, I told my friend about this. He said, well, you are a lefty. No, I'm not, and this is really full of it. I am having a test about kicking long ball and shooting penalty and something this Thursday. I only can hope my right foot will cure itself by that day. I don't know how to shoot penalty with my left foot...

Friday, March 28, 2008

一月份所看電影清單 | The Movies I saw in January

以下是一月份所看的片單 (發在這邊的)
  • Atonement (2008)


  • Freddy Got Fingered (2001)

    白痴智障到不行的片,彈琴那段笑得我好辛苦 XDDD

  • Joyeux Noël (2005)

    充滿人性的片子,還蠻感人的……用一波又一波的人性,一次又一次的「人」,打動著你……音樂也是,很感人 (像是 Adeste Fideles,還有 I'm Dreaming of Home)

    此外,本片還可以讓你同時練習法文、德文、英文 (英國口音、蘇格蘭口音、歐洲人口音) 的聽力,外加一些些的拉丁文,一舉多得。

    不過想抱怨一下的是,演員就是演不出在唱歌的感覺,產生了一種距離感,可惜 (聲樂的部份是用配的)

    另外,裡面有 Diane Kruger 喔!Daniel Brühl 我整個沒認出來,留了鬍子就變成熟了……

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

    為什麼 Arwen's Song 沒有收在 OST 裡呢?

    這次終於看到 AragornBlack Gate 前戴著 Evenstar 的畫面了,不然想說摔碎掉的那一幕明明是幻象,怎麼到後面就真的不見了……原來一直都被衣服遮住,只有一兩幕可以清楚看到,真的很難找……

    Aragorn 說了 "For Frodo." 後,獨自衝過去,然後 PippinMerry 看到後跟著,然後其他人都一起衝過去那幕,很讚!

  • The Science of Sleep (2006)

    有些地方還蠻搞笑的;結局很棒喔!喜歡 Gael García Bernal 的可以看看喔;看了這幾年他演過的角色,真的是越來越喜歡這位演員了。Charlotte Gainsbourg 蠻像她爸的,同時間還有她媽媽開始老的時候的那種韻味;戲裡跟 García Bernal 演得很對味,表現得很棒!

  • Cloverfield (2008)


    很喜歡裡面的 Marlena

    這套片應該會蠻感人的吧?建議一個人去看,還有,不要坐太前 XDDD

  • Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)

    一向都蠻喜歡看 Will Ferrell 演戲的;看到 "Ali G" 算是個驚喜吧,認不出來 XDD


  • Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)

    Cate Blanchett 表現得很好!

    基本上這套電影有點比較像是在敘述一段故事一樣,這一件事情發生了,就到下一件……然後戰爭,然後結局。不過還是要重申,Cate 真的演得很好,引發很多的化學作用,使得這套電影變得深厚很多;另外我很喜歡 "Sir Francis" 那鎮靜的臉~

  • Stardust (2007)


    嗯,在家看的話,就是得用 5.1,把音量調大,才會幸福啊!今年超完美的生日禮物!

    2008-01-17, 2008-01-26
  • Look at me (2004)

    老實說,有的畫面我笑出來了 XD


基本上,一月份是看了蠻多電影的。原因是,剛開學,而且發現到學校圖書館裡其實藏了蠻多好電影的,所以,常常沒課沒事幹的時候,就會看部電影……最近倒是沒那麼快活了 orz

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Class Skipping | 翹課

Language: English | 中文
Recently, skipping classes has become one of my daily practices. Well, I am not the kind of people that skip a lot of classes or work. I only skip with good reasons. Like yesterday, I skipped the afternoon's class to see a movie. And today, I skipped because I wanted to stay home and finish my homework. They were all with good reasons.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Differences between Mandarin and Putonghua | 大陸人會怎麼說

Language: English | 中文
Last week, I went to Beijing with my family, for the Chinese new year holidays.

We joined a group. I'm sure you know what this means, so I won't spend time explaining the dulliness of the frequent visits to some local companies, lisitening to staffs promoting their products, blah-blah-blah.

What made the trip wonderful is, despite some products prmoting routines, we travelled to Beijing by train, through Jingguang railway (Jing: Beijing; Guang: GuangZhou). Indeed it was wonderful, the journey on train, but I will go through this part later in another post.
Here, I'll begin with the topic, language.

I lived in Taipei for eight years. I grew up there. As a result, I can speak Mandarin. Even so, I never learnt that Mandarin and Putonghua are actually two different languages until I took a Putonghua course in college (In my opinion, Mandarin is a Chinese language spoken by Taiwanese and foreigners, since they both call the language "Mandarin." Putonghua is more restricted to Mainlanders and some foreigners. As you can see, usually someone from the US wouldn't say "I speak Putonghua" but "I speak Mandarin" instead).

So, how different are they?

First, their sound. There are many words that are supposed to sound the same in both languages but actually not. For example, in Putonghua, Che (車, car) is pronouced this way (IPA): [tʂɤ], but you'll find Taiwanese or most of the foreigners pronounce the word this way: [tʃə]. Another example is that for the word He (河, river), Mainlanders pronounce it like this: [xɤ], while Mandarin speakers do it this way: [hə]. One more example. The word 和, in Putonghua, it is pronounced this way: [xɤ], but the pronunciation is totally different for Taiwanese: [han], when the word implies "and" as in "A and B."

Besides the sound, sometimes, they use different words to call the same things. But this does not matter at all. Usually you can easily grab the meaning even if you speak only one of them.

So, what surprises me is the way they say it. As you know, I grew up in Taiwan, so, when I ask someone "what are you lookiong for," like in a store, I would say "你在找些什麼呢" (ni zai zhao xie shen me ne? / Literally: you are looking for what?), or "有什麼可以幫忙的嗎" (yao shen me ke yi bang mang de ma? / Literally: Is there anything that I can help?).

Then, in this situation, in Beijing, my mother told me, you may find people saying "看什麼看" (kan shen me kan?). Well, for me, this sounds rude and this is just like saying "what the X are you looking at" in English, and I would snort or crack myself up right away I hear it.

Another case. During our journey in Beijing, one day we went to a restaurant to have 涮羊肉火鍋 (Shuan Yang Rou Huo Guo) as our dinner. This is a type of Hot Pot but containing a lot of goat meat (Yang Rou means meat of goat, and Huo Guo is Hot Pot).

So, after we had found a table, we ordered some tea. Then a waitress said, "喝什麼茶啊" (he shen me cha a? / Literally: what tea are you drinking?). I was expecting to hear something like "請問要喝些什麼茶呢" (qing wen yao he xie shen me cha ne? / Literally: then what tea would you like to have?), but what I heard was just like "why are you drinking tea", or even "what on earth you think you can drink tea here". This sounded rude and hilarious and I tried my best not to but laughed, with my face turning to the other side, pretending to talk with my brother.

See, if you think Mandarin and Putonghua are the same, as my professor says frequently in class: think about it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Met Two New Friends

Language: English | 中文
Last Friday, during the training session of the softball team, I met two new friends. One of them is Japanese, an exchange student, Masa, and the other one, Harvey, is Taiwanese. Both of them came from the States, though Harvey now studies here, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I enjoyed practicing English with a foreigner very much, but speaking Mandarin (with Taiwanese accent) with someone of Taiwanese origin is even more delightful.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

You have to articulate.

Language: English | 中文
Today is the beginning of the new term of our french classes.

When I was checking which room I should go to, I saw the professor teaching me the last term - Karine Barbier - teaching in her classroom. Luckily, she didn't see me. She was introducing herself to the class at that moment ...
« Moi, je m’appelle Karine Barbier. Karine, c’est mon prénom. Barbier, c’est mon nom. »
She really is a good teacher. The best French teacher I've ever met, I have to say. Unlike the other French teachers (French, of course), she is surprisingly patient with students. I couldn't believe that she'd spent maybe two or three weeks just to explain things that we all should have learnt well in Level 1, like how to make a negative sentence, or not to pronounce the last -s or -t of French words.

I feel sympathy for her as most of my classmates in the Level 2 class actually even shouldn't be here, to be honest, as what she suggested, while they kept making mistakes that Karine had explained many times. I felt so especially when she expressed her exhaustion and deep disappointment through some non-verbal ways, such as putting, or throwing, her books on the desk a little bit harder than usual.
Fortunately, this time, it's not Karine. I don't want to see her being tourtured by the class anymore.

So, who's it to be? Well, his name is Bédoucha. He looks a bit like Arabic origin, though I'm not sure, but très french at the same time. He teaches very fast and much more straight forward. He gave me five or six copies in the first class, more than what I'd got from the last two terms.

Before we started the text, he first acquainted us with the vocabulary related to the texts, then some adjectives, and finally the texts.

He is very optimistic and positive. When he asked us question and he got no response from us, then after one or two seconds, he would say « Oui! » or « Bien sûr! », loudly, with passion, sounded much more like answering to himself, as if someone had just answered his question, and then gave us the correct answers, as if he was repeating the answers just given by someone among us. This is good, actually, in some cases, making the whole process smooth and faster.

And one thing I have to mention is, he told us that we have to articulate when speaking French. Then he added, with his lips, teeth, and tongue moving vigorously, that it is like you are chewing something. Yes, yes! This is exactly what I felt when I was getting myself a French tongue! You have to make every sound clear, especially the vowels. Yes, yes. It is like chewing something in your mouth. Really fun!

Anyway, I really believe Bédoucha is just as nice as Karine. He must be a very good teacher. Great!